List of Hospitals

                                  Performing Kidney Pancreas Transplants

                                                        (from 2006-2007)

 All Centers 


 ALUA-TX1 Univ of Alabama Hospital 1225
 ARUA-TX1 The Univ Hosp of Arkansas 23
 AZGS-TX1 Banner Good Samaritan Medical Ctr 128
 AZMC-TX1 Mayo Clinic Hospital 2621
 AZUA-TX1 University Medical Ctr, Univ of AZ 30
 CACS-TX1 Cedars-Sinai Med Center 115
 CAGH-TX1 Green Hosp of Scripps Clinic 33
 CAIM-TX1 UCI Medical Center 51
 CALL-TX1 Loma Linda Univ Med Ctr 511
 CAPM-TX1 California Pacific Med Ctr 1619
 CARC-TX1 Riverside Community Hosp 54
 CASD-TX1 UCSD Medical Center 54
 CASF-TX1 Univ of CA San Francisco Med Ctr 1325
 CASG-TX1 Sutter Memorial Hospital 14
 CASH-TX1 Sharp Memorial Hospital 31
 CASM-TX1 UC Davis Medical Center 63
 CASU-TX1 Stanford Univ Med Ctr 23
 CASV-TX1 St. Vincent Medical Center 1414
 CAUC-TX1 UCLA Medical Center 615
 CAUH-TX1 USC University Hospital 36
 COPM-TX1 Centura Porter Adventist Hosp 94
 COSL-TX1 Presbyterian/ St Lukes Med Ctr 01
 COUC-TX1 University of Colorado Hospital/HSC 83
 CTHH-TX1 Hartford Hospital 01
 CTYN-TX1 Yale New Haven Hosp 01
 DCGU-TX1 Georgetown Univ Med Ctr 02
 DCWH-TX1 Washington Hospital Center 37
 DCWR-TX1 Walter Reed Army Medical Center 01
 FLFH-TX1 Florida Hospital Medical Center 40
 FLJM-TX1 Jackson Memorial Hosp 2717
 FLSL-TX1 Mayo Clinic Jacksonville 821
 FLTG-TX1 Tampa General Hospital 1723
 FLUF-TX1 Shands Hosp at Univ of Fl 147
 GAEM-TX1 Emory University Hospital 1214
 GAMC-TX1 Med College of Georgia Hosp 32
 GAPH-TX1 Piedmont Hospital 89
 HISF-TX1 Hawaii Medical Center - East 41
 IAIV-TX1 Univ of Iowa Hosp and Clinics 37
 IAIV-VA1 Iowa City VA Medical Center 10
 IAMH-TX1 Mercy Medical Center 11
 ILMM-TX1 Memorial Medical Center 20
 ILNM-TX1 Northwestern Memorial Hospital 2221
 ILPL-TX1 Rush University Med Ctr 47
 ILSF-TX1 OSF St Francis Med Ctr 13
 ILUC-TX1 Univ of Chicago Med Ctr 511
 ILUI-TX1 University of Illinois Medical Center 03
 INIM-TX1 Clarian Health-Methodist/IU/Riley 3729
 KSFW-TX1 Via Christi Reg Med Center 21
 KSUK-TX1 Univ of Kansas Hospital 84
 KYJH-TX1 Jewish Hospital 93
 KYUK-TX1 Univ of Kentucky Med Ctr 76
 LAOF-TX1 Ochsner Foundation Hospital 103
 LATU-TX1 Tulane Medical Center 68
 LAWK-TX1 Willis Knighton Med Ctr 86
 MABI-TX1 Beth Israel Deaconess Med Ctr 13
 MAMG-TX1 Massachusetts General Hospital 01
 MAUM-TX1 UMass Memorial Medical Center 20
 MDJH-TX1 Johns Hopkins Hospital 919
 MDNI-TX1 Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Ctr 01
 MDUM-TX1 Univ of Maryland Med System 1619
 MEMC-TX1 Maine Medical Center 13
 MIHF-TX1 Henry Ford Hospital 510
 MIHH-TX1 Harper Univ Hospital Detroit Med Ctr 14
 MISJ-TX1 St John Hosp and Med Ctr 02
 MIUM-TX1 Univ of Michigan Med Ctr 920
 MNMC-TX1 Rochester Methodist Hosp- Mayo Clinic 37
 MNUM-TX1 Univ. of Minnesota Medical Center 1619
 MOBH-TX1 Barnes-Jewish Hospital 63
 MORH-TX1 Research Medical Center 110
 MOSL-TX1 St. Louis University Hospital 61
 NCBG-TX1 NC Baptist Hospital 1919
 NCCM-TX1 Carolinas Medical Center 95
 NCDU-TX1 Duke University Medical Center 2010
 NCMH-TX1 UNC Hospitals 32
 NDSL-TX1 MeritCare Hospital 14
 NEUN-TX1 The Nebraska Medical Center 166
 NHDH-TX1 Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hosp 25
 NJBI-TX1 Newark Beth Israel Med Ctr 01
 NJHK-TX1 Hackensack University Medical Center 23
 NJLL-TX1 Our Lady of Lourdes Med Ctr 52
 NJRW-TX1 Robert Wood Johnson University Hosp 107
 NJSB-TX1 St Barnabas Medical Center 57
 NYAM-TX1 Albany Med Center Hospital 12
 NYBU-TX1 Buffalo General Hosp/Childrens Hosp 01
 NYEC-TX1 Erie County Medical Center 22
 NYFL-TX1 Strong Memorial Hospital 75
 NYMS-TX1 Mount Sinai Med Center 14
 NYNY-TX1 NY Presb Hosp/Cornell/Rogosin 33
 NYUC-TX1 New York Univ Medical Center 02
 NYUM-TX1 SUNY Upstate Medical University 01
 OHCC-TX1 Cleveland Clinic Foundation 1915
 OHOU-TX1 Ohio State Univ Med Ctr 2332
 OHUC-TX1 Univ of Cincinnati Medical Center 147
 OHUH-TX1 University Hosp of Cleveland 76
 OKBC-TX1 Integris Baptist Med Ctr 17
 OKMD-TX1 OU Medical Center 22
 ORUO-TX1 Oregon Health and Science University 714
 PAAG-TX1 Allegheny General Hosp 11
 PACH-TX1 Childrens Hospital of Pittsburgh 02
 PAGM-TX1 Geisinger Medical Center 44
 PAHE-TX1 Penn State Milton S Hershey Med Ctr 54
 PAHH-TX1 Harrisburg Hospital 04
 PAHM-TX1 Hahnemann University Hospital 10
 PALV-TX1 Lehigh Valley Hospital 61
 PAPT-TX1 Univ of Pittsburgh Med Ctr 618
 PATJ-TX1 Thomas Jefferson Univ Hosp 35
 PAUP-TX1 The Hosp of the Univ of PA 514
 PRSJ-TX1 Auxilio Mutuo Hosp 50
 RIRH-TX1 Rhode Island Hospital 02
 SCMU-TX1 Medical Univ of SC 1111
 TNJC-TX1 Johnson City Med Ctr Hosp 610
 TNMH-TX1 Methodist University Hospital 63
 TNUK-TX1 Univ of Tennessee Med Ctr 46
 TNVU-TX1 Vanderbilt Univ Med Ctr 512
 TXAS-TX1 Baylor All Saints Medical Center 93
 TXHD-TX1 Medical City Dallas Hospital 14
 TXHH-TX1 Memorial Hermann Hospital 49
 TXHS-TX1 Methodist Specialty & Transplant Hosp 10
 TXJS-TX1 Univ of Texas Med Branch 60
 TXMC-TX1 Methodist Dallas Medical Center 102
 TXMH-TX1 The Methodist Hospital 50
 TXPM-TX1 Parkland Memorial Hospital 20
 TXSP-TX1 University Hospital - St. Paul 20
 TXSW-TX1 Scott and White Mem Hosp 21
 TXTX-TX1 Baylor University Medical Center 1312
 UTLD-TX1 Intermountain Medical Center 712
 UTMC-TX1 Univ of Utah Medical Center 40
 VAFH-TX1 Inova Fairfax Hosp 27
 VAMC-TX1 MCV Hospitals 34
 VANG-TX1 Sentara Norfolk General Hospital 20
 VAUV-TX1 Univ of Virginia HSC 46
 VTMC-TX1 Fletcher Allen Health Care 32
 WASM-TX1 Swedish Medical Center 74
 WAUW-TX1 Univ of Washington Med Ctr 910
 WAVM-TX1 Virginia Mason Med Ctr 78
 WISE-TX1 Froedtert Mem Lutheran Hosp 87
 WISL-TX1 Aurora St. Lukes Medical Center 12
 WIUW-TX1 Univ of Wisconsin Hosp and Clinics 3136